Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014


Preferred criteria Google Blog, Google Blog favored, Google Web Spam Hate, Google Pleased With The Focus Web Page, Google's Happy With The site content is Many, Google Pleased With Unique Content, Pleased With Google Reader Content Likes, Google Liking Blog Which Get Lots of Backlinks

Post this one might be very useful for you all, Because in the contents of this post I'll tell you a secret about my blog favored by Google, there are many  criteria that favored Google Blog  , Among others:

1. Google Web Spam Hate
This is what you must remember to onward, every work day that Google was just two, the which is to improve the quality of search results and Reviews their fight web spam.  So if you know what is hated by Google, then you will also know what it liked by Google ....

The point is to a make a standard blog Google likes it to be heavy so not a lot of spammers WHO successfully "conquer" his heart.  Even the spammers eventually managed to conquer the hearts of Google, then he must be qualified for the subject spammers. So ... here's what you should know before starting to create a blog  dedicated to the popularity or commercial.  

2 Google Pleased With The Web Page Focus
There are so many web pages within one page that serves many topics .... and not only that.  They do not optimize templates and articles so confused what Google wants emphasized in the web page.  So optimizing the template and the article is a good first step that Google does not get confused on your page .... And even better if you arrange to have each page focus on a discussion ....

3 Google Pleased With The site content is Much
One of the ways Google is Difficult for spammers to the make himself more like a blog with lots of content.  In essence this will the make spammers also the make an extra effort to the make Google's impressed, and not just the make the two pages just keep hoping to get a lot of visitors from Google ....

4. Google Pleased With Unique Content
So do not be mistaken from a lot of the same material are then written over and over again with little stylistic change.  guide The more extensive discussion about a problem, the greater the authority that you wake up on the topic before Google.

5. Pleased With Google Reader Favorites Content
So Google also monitors visit someone on a web page.  If the web page is that there are umpteen number he said, it is normally a visitor should spend more or less so.  If a visitor spent time under it, then chances are the article was not Sought qualified or not. 

It could even be better if the reader opens a lot of other pages as well as read-out the content in each page.  It is a vote that is very healthy for your blog.

6 Google Blog That Likes Getting Many Backlink
It's like a popularity contest, where the more backlinks you get, the higher you rank well.  The difference is the players do not care about popularity contest despite sending millions of SMS was just one person.  Important that they get Reviews their money, while Google does notes. 

You can get a lot of backlinks but must be of many domains as well.  If you have a lot of backlinks but there is one domain that dominates everything, then you will turn on the alarm of Google's web spam

So if you've done it all, what a champion means you have 1?  Not necessarily, to be seen what no one has done it better than you.  Hopefully after reading this no longer a beginner WHO complain like this, it is 100% Onpageku why not also champions "or" my Backlink already 2000, why not rank 1 ".

So little information that I can Convey useful and hopefully all of you famil.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 12.49

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